Research Article

Functional Modification Effect of Epoxy Oligomers on the Structure and Properties of Epoxy Hydroxyurethane Polymers

Table 3

Physicomechanical properties of polymers obtained under different conditions of curing epoxy-amine compositions.

CompositionCuring modePhysical and mechanical properties
σр (MPa)εр (%)τв (MPa)σр.о (MPa)Tс (°C)

ED-20 + DETA7 d at (22 ± 2°C)
1 d at (22 ± 2°C) and 10 h at 100°C72.52.512.528.0108
ED-20 + DCC/DEG-1 + DETA7 d at (22 ± 2°C)
1 d at (22 ± 2°C) and 10 h at 100°C88.34.422.850.068