Research Article

Physical and Compaction Properties of Granular Materials with Artificial Grading behind the Particle Size Distributions

Figure 7

Characteristic values of the distribution curve of different granular materials: (a) correlation of the uniformity coefficient for PSD curves from the linear interpolation method and based on the statistical constant; (b) relationship between the uniformity coefficient and the curvature coefficient for PSD curves; (c) uniformity coefficient results for granular material B; (d) curvature coefficient results for granular material B; (e) uniformity coefficient results for granular material C; (f) curvature coefficient results for granular material C (LIM represents the linear interpolation method; min(LIM) and max(LIM) represent the minimum and the maximum uniformity coefficients of the PSD curve by using the linear interpolation method, resp.; min(SAM) and max(SAM) represent the minimum and the maximum uniformity coefficients of the PSD curve by using the statistical analysis method, resp.; average(LIM) and average(SAM) represent the average values for the uniformity coefficients of the PSD curve by using the linear interpolation method and statistical analysis method, resp.).