Advances in Polymer Technology

Advanced Polymers and Their Derivatives for Cultural Heritage Preservation

Publishing date
01 May 2020
Submission deadline
10 Jan 2020

Lead Editor

1Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

2Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo, Japan

3National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt

4National Institute for Standards, Giza, Egypt

Advanced Polymers and Their Derivatives for Cultural Heritage Preservation


Cultural heritage objects are exposed to many deterioration factors that cause damage and decay in polymer materials. Deterioration factors, such as relative humidity (RH) oscillation, changing temperature, light density, air pollution, biological damage, and uncontrolled storage and display environments, can result in the deterioration of cultural heritage materials.

The application of polymers, or nanopolymer derivatives, can preserve deteriorated cultural heritage projects by consolidating the morphological structure within a network of polymer molecules. Consolidation can add structural strength to fragile, deteriorated materials. It may also have profound physical and chemical effects. Understanding the physical and chemical interactions between the cultural heritage materials, the environment, and the consolidation system, including their effects on future preservation and research, is the most effective method of preserving cultural heritage materials for current and future research interests.

Notably, a comprehensive analysis of the physical and chemical effects of using polymer and nanopolymer depravities in the consolidation process has never been critically examined within the cultural heritage context. Therefore, this Special Issue aims to achieve this critical examination and welcomes both original research and review articles on advanced polymers for cultural heritage preservation.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Studies into the degradation behavior of cultural heritage polymers in relation to deterioration factors
  • Examining the history of utilizing polymers in cultural heritage restoration and conservation
  • Evaluating the use of polymers in cultural heritage preservation from the contrasting perspectives of archaeologists and conservators
  • Understanding the theory and techniques of consolidation by using polymers or nanopolymer derivatives to preserve cultural heritage materials
  • Using or developing novelty polymers and nanopolymer derivatives in order to strengthen weakened cultural heritage materials, treat antifungal and bacterial damage, protect the surface of the cultural heritage materials, and improve fire resistance and impact of disasters
  • Discussions on the use of scientific analysis tools in order to understand the impact of consolidation polymers and materials on historical items
  • Traditional and novel methods, for example, the use of enzyme, plasma, and so forth, in order to remove polymers used in the perseverance of cultural heritage objects. Usually, these polymers are in shrunk, cracked, rigid, and brittle forms due to the aged condition, which causes heavy damages, and thus studies in this area need to focus on the development of safe methods or removal which does not damage the underlying materials
  • Advances in polymer technology and its use in the conservation of historical heritage materials
Advances in Polymer Technology
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