Research Article

[Retracted] Intelligent CO2 Monitoring for Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea Using Neural Cryptography Techniques

Algorithm 1

GEP for biomass wastage.
Step 1. Initialize the population.
Step 2. Execute chromosome expression as ET.
Step 3. Calculate fitness function by using
ā€ƒwhere is the selection range value and is the fitness value of individual chromosome and is the target value of fitness value for . is the precision.
Step 4. If , then the precision value is 0.
Step 5. ; here, consider , and now,
Step 6. Create chromosomes by selecting the set of terminals and function by using parametric value .
Step 7. Select the architecture of chromosomes in the aspects of head length and number of genes in the chromosome.
Step 8. Use the parametric value of linking all subexpression functions of tree value by using addition operation. There are three types of transportation and three types of recombination.
Step 9. Use all operators of genetic, namely, mutation, three types of transportation, and three types of recombination as in the parametric table.
Step 10. To create a new chromosome, go to Step 2. Repeat it until all chromosomes get evaluated.