Research Article

Tribological Behavior of Ni-Based WC-Co Coatings Deposited via Spray and Fuse Technique Varying the Oxygen Flow

Table 1

Deposition conditions of the MetaCeram coatings.

Brand of torchSuperJet Eutalloy

O2 pressure (psi)39 (268.896 kPa)
C2H2 pressure (psi)7 (48.2633 kPa)
O2 flow (SCFH)11.0412.8814.7216.56
C2H2 flow (SCFH)14.64
Powder codeMetaCeram 23075
Powder composition44Ni, 40WC/Co, 9.3Cr, 1.9 B, 2.1Fe, 2.3Si, 0.4 C.
Spraying-fusion distance150–20 mm