Research Article

Absence of Cospeciation between the Uncultured Frankia Microsymbionts and the Disjunct Actinorhizal Coriaria Species

Figure 1

Phylogenetic trees of the Frankia microsymbionts (left) and the Coriaria host plants (right). The Frankia tree was constructed using the glnA, dnaA, and the nifD-K intergenic spacer, while the Coriaria tree was done using the matK and the 18S rRNA-ITS1-5.8S rRNA-ITS2-28S rRNA with ML method using strain CcI3 and Casuarina as outgroups respectively for Frankia and hot plant phylogenetic trees. The numbers at branches indicate bootstrap results above 50%. Lines are drawn between the microsymbionts and their hosts. The color code indicates the place of origin of the leave or of the set when homogenous. The groups numbers 1 and 2 on the right are according to Yokoyama et al. [19].