Research Article

Resistance of Permafrost and Modern Acinetobacter lwoffii Strains to Heavy Metals and Arsenic Revealed by Genome Analysis

Table 2

Characteristics of ancient plasmids carrying heavy metal resistance determinants and corresponding MICs.

StrainPlasmid [GenBank accession number]Size of plasmid (bp)Resistance determinantsMICs

ED23-35pALWED1.1 KX426227287630Hg, Chr, Co/Zn/Cd, NiHg(>0.06), As3(<5), As5(20), Cr(1.8), Co(0.1), Cd(0.025), Zn(6.4), Ni(2.7), Cu(<0.9)
pALWED1.3 KX42622816071Chr

ED45-23pALWED2.1 KX426229190039Hg, Ars, CuHg(0.06), As3(20), As5(40), Cr(<0.3), Co(<0.05), Cd(<0.012), Zn(<0.2), Ni(<0.45), Cu(0.9)

ЕD9-5аpALWED3.1 KX528687138028Hg, Ars, Co/Zn/Cd, CuHg(>0.06), As3(30), As5(60), Cr(1.2), Co(<0.05), Cd(0.025), Zn(3.2), Ni(1.8), Cu(3.6)
pALWED3.5 KX42623016568Chr

VS15pALWVS1.1 KX426232134767Co/Zn/Cd, CuHg(<0.015), As3(<5), As5(<20), Cr(<0.3), Co(0.05), Cd(0.1), Zn(3.2), Ni(0.9), Cu(3.6)

ЕК30АpALWEK1.1 KX528688209983Co/Zn/Cd, CuHg(<0.015), As3(<5), As5(<20), Cr(1.2), Co(0.05), Cd(0.025), Zn(<0.2), Ni(0.45), Cu(3.6)
pALWEK1.5 KX4262318227Chr

The minimal inhibitory concentrations (mM) of each salt are presented in parentheses; resistance due to the presence of the relevant genes marked in bold.