Research Article

Ultrasound-Guided Thoracic Paravertebral Nerve Block on Postoperative Pain, Quality of Life, and Recovery in Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Table 1

Baseline characteristics in the two groups.

CharacteristicsUltrasound-guided TPVBGeneral anesthesia with tracheal intubation

Number of patients5050
Age median (year) (range)62 (53-75)61 (52-72)
Sex: female28 (56%)25 (50%)
Sex: male22 (44%)25 (50%)
Type of pathology (%)
 Squamous cell carcinoma20 (40%)19 (38%)
 Adenocarcinoma28 (56%)31 (62%)
 Adenosquamous carcinoma2 (4%)0
Primary tumor (T), (%)
 T128 (56%)25 (50%)
 T219 (38%)20 (40%)
 T33 (6%)4 (8%)
 T401 (2%)
Regional lymph nodes (N), (%)
 N026 (52%)28 (56%)
 N116 (32%)18 (36%)
 N28 (16%)4 (8%)
Body mass index, (kg/m2)
Albumin, (g/l)
High-sensitivity C-reactive protein, mean ± SD (mg/l)