Research Article

Ultrasound-Guided Thoracic Paravertebral Nerve Block on Postoperative Pain, Quality of Life, and Recovery in Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Table 2

The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30) in two groups.

Ultrasound-guided TPVB ()General anesthesia with tracheal intubation () value

Functional scale
 Physical68.1 (18.4)69.1 (20.5)0.883
 Role62.3 (18.7)69.6 (21.0)0.299
 Emotional40.3 (12.1)32.6 (10.4)0.015
 Cognitive63.8 (19.3)61.0 (26.0)0.684
 Social50.0 (17.2)50.9 (21.9)0.858
Symptom scale
 Fatigue39.5 (11.2)34.1 (6.2)0.149
 Nausea/vomiting8.1 (8.0)10.8 (12.1)0.446
 Pain22.8 (5.8)49.9 (10.7)<0.01
 Dyspnea42.4 (18.6)36.9 (18.8)0.295
 Insomnia18.7 (16.2)31.0 (6.4)0.023
 Appetite loss31.8 (12.3)29.7 (6.6)0.457
 Constipation37.0 (28.5)38.1 (15.6)0.894
 Diarrhea10.6 (4.8)13.3 (5.1)0.253
 Financial difficulty22.2 (13.9)28.8 (8.1)0.108
Global health status52.6 (11.6)50.3 (13.9)0.654

Data are presented as the mean (standard deviation). Higher scores indicate better functioning in those functional scale and global health status and worse symptoms in the symptom scale.