Research Article

The Impact on Child Developmental Status at 12 Months of Volunteer Home-Visiting Support

Table 1

Comparisons between groups in demographic characteristics of families seen at both research visits, when infants were 2 and 12 months of age (standard deviations or percentages in brackets).

Intervention group: supported 
Intervention group: not supported 
Total control group 
Matched control group 

Mean maternal age (years)29.0 (5.7)28.6 (5.9)28.1 (6.1)29.0 (5.8)
Mean number of children in family
(including new baby)1
2.3 (1.1)2.2 (1.3)2.1 (1.1)2.1 (0.8)
New baby male48 (52.2)35 (53.0)87 (48.9)47 (51.1)
Biological father in the home73 (79.3)51 (77.3)142 (79.8)76 (82.6)
Mother white276 (82.6)48 (72.7)161 (90.4)79 (85.9)
Family structure
 Mother single17 (18.5)13 (19.7)30 (16.9)13 (14.1)
 Living with partner27 (29.3)22 (33.3)71 (39.9)40 (43.5)
 Married48 (52.2)31 (47.0)77 (43.3)39 (42.4)
Mother’s highest qualification3
 Degree/higher degree19 (20.7)7 (10.6)10 (5.6)10 (10.9)
 Advanced level (age 18)8 (8.9)5 (7.6)22 (12.4)11 (12.0)
 General certificate of secondary education (age 16)26 (28.3)19 (28.0)65 (36.5)26 (28.3)
 Other qualification32 (34.8)28 (42.4)63 (35.4)38 (41.3)
 None7 (7.6)7 (10.6)18 (10.1)7 (7.6)
Mother’s occupation4
 Professional9 (9.8)4 (6.1)17 (9.6)10 (10.9)
  Intermediate/small employer17 (18.5)14 (21.2)41 (23.0)21 (22.8)
  Lower supervisory/technical/semiroutine/routine21 (22.8)24 (36.4)63 (35.4)19 (20.7)
 Unemployed or student 45 (48.9)24 (36.4)57 (32.0)42 (45.7)
Father’s highest qualification
 Degree/higher degree14 (17.7)7 (13.7)11 (6.8)8 (9.5)
  Advanced level (age 18)7 (8.9)4 (7.8)16 (9.9)11 (13.1)
  General certificate of secondary education (age 16)28 (35.4)18 (35.3)65 (40.4)34 (40.5)
  Other qualification18 (22.8)18 (35.3)48 (29.8)25 (29.8)
 None12 (15.2)4 (7.8)21 (13.0)6 (7.1)
Father’s occupation
 Professional9 (10.8)6 (10.2)11 (6.7)5 (5.8)
  Intermediate/small employer21 (25.3)10 (16.9)32 (19.4)21 (24.4)
  Lower supervisory/technical/semiroutine/routine43 (51.8)37 (62.7)107 (64.8)52 (60.5)
 Unemployed or student10 (12.0)6 (10.2)15 (9.1)8 (9.3)

1Mean higher for intervention supported group ( ) versus total control group ( ), , .
2Proportion lower in intervention-supported group ( ) versus total control group ( ), chi-square 3.476, 1 df, .
3Significant difference between intervention-supported group ( ) and total control group ( ), chi-square 15.73, 4 df, .
4Significant difference between intervention-supported group ( ) and total control group ( ), chi-square 8.25, 3 df, .