Research Article

The Impact on Child Developmental Status at 12 Months of Volunteer Home-Visiting Support

Table 4

Results of multiple regression to predict the Bayley Mental Developmental Index, comparing Home-Start-supported families and intervention area families not receiving support.

Unstandardized coefficientsStandardized coefficients Sig.
BStd. errorBeta

EPDS1 total score 2 months.
PSI2 total score 2 months.
HOME3 total score 2 months−.194.206−.094−.939.349
ICQ4 mean item score 2 months−1.3691.211−.100−1.130.260
HOME total score 12 months.874.205.3984.267.000
PSI total score 12 months−.122.074−.168−1.662.099
Intervention, not supported2.9981.669.1381.796.075

, , adjusted square 0.135.
1Edinburgh postnatal depression scale [42].
2Parenting stress index [43].
3Home observation for measurement of the environment [44].
4Infant characteristics questionnaire [45].