Research Article

AMOBH: Adaptive Multiobjective Black Hole Algorithm

Algorithm 5

Adaptive multiobjective black hole algorithm.
Require: The stars’ population , the archive
, the variable bound , the max iteration
, and the elite learning rate .
(1) fitnessFcn ();
(2) [APF, APS] getInitAP();
(3) %Put the APS into Ar.
(4) Ar[] APS;
(5) %Map the APF to PCCS and calculate the and .
(6) PCCS = MapToPCCS(APF);
(7) [, ] CalSE(PCCS);
(8) %Update the evolution status.
(9) Algorithm  1;
(10) %Get the candidate black holes.
(11) Algorithm  3;
(12) for    to  
(13) for    to  
(14) %Randomly choose a black hole for star update.
(15) Bhole = Bholes(randperm (length (Bholes), 1));
(16) if  rand   then
(17) %Elite mutation.
(18) bBhole EM(bBhole);
(19) end if
(20) ;
(21) fitnessFcn();
(22) if    then
(23) ...;
(24) fitnessFcn();
(25) end if
(26) %Determine whether accept the star .
(27) Algorithm  2;
(28) end for
(29) [APF, APS] getAP(Ar);
(31) [, ] CalSE(PCCS);
(32) Algorithm  1;
(33) %Update the learning rate .
(34) Algorithm  4;
(35) %Whether a star crosses the event horizon of the black holes or not.
(36) for    to  
(37) if any(distance(, gBholes) ) then
(38) ...;
(39) end if
(40) end for
(41) Algorithm  3;
(42) end for
(43) return  APF, APS;