Research Article

PS-FW: A Hybrid Algorithm Based on Particle Swarm and Fireworks for Global Optimization

Algorithm 3

The main codes of PS-FW algorithm.
(1) Input: Objective function and constraints.
(2) Initialization
(3) Parameters initialization: assign values to , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
(4) Population initialization: generate the random values for and of each particle in the feasible domain,
  calculate the of initial population.
(5) Set , () and .
(6) Iterations
(7) while
(9)  for to
(10)   for to
(11)    Update the velocity of particle by using (1).
(12)    Update the position of particle by using (2).
(13)    if or
(14)     Update the value of by using (17).
(15)    end if
(16)   end for
(17)  end for
(18)  Calculate by using the (9).
(19)  Sort the particle population in ascending order and select the particles with better fitness.
(20) Generate explosion sparks by using Algorithm 1.
(21)  Calculate the fitness of explosion sparks and storage the best explosion spark .
(22) Generate mutation sparks by using Algorithm 2.
(23) Select the individuals from the explosion sparks and mutation sparks by using the selection strategy.
(24) Combine the particles with individuals to generate the new population.
(25) Calculate and of new population.
(26) end while
(27) Output: