Research Article

Radiology Department: A Potential Source of Multidrug-Resistant Microorganisms: A Cross-Sectional Study at Tertiary Hospital, Palestine

Table 2

Sites with the contamination rate of ≥1 CFU/cm2, either on blood or on chocolate agar.

Sample numberSample sourceMay experimentJune experiment
Contamination rate chocolate agarContamination rate blood agarContamination rate chocolate agarContamination rate blood agar

2MRI head support0.620.40.2
4Head pillow of CT CANON0.602.20.4
6Centre of patient table CT CANON1.60.48.810
11Keyboard of CT CANON20.664
14LT side gantry control panel CT CANON0.4100
15Primax X-ray portable touch screen00.616
25Keyboard of US for general use1.
30RT side of MRI patient table4.8100
33Keyboard in CT CANON control room300.61.6
34CT Siemen’s keyboard control room4866
44Keyboard of interventional US10.60.20
48Patient leg support of CT semen’s0.200.61.2
51Large touch screen for US for general use0012.80.4
52Table of US for general use in control room4.
56Hand of US for general use10.20.80.4
58Mouse of US for general use in control room2.
59Keyboard in control room of US for general use3.40.610.2
60RT side of X-ray patient table0.202.40.8
63Hand of carestearm portable80.200.8
64Carestream touchscreen portable0.20.25.25
66LT side of patient table CT CANON881.61.2
67Touch screen of injecter in CT CANON control room0.201.81.6
72Knee coil2.430.60.4
73Centre of MRI patient Table 21.402.82.4
74RT side of MRI patient Table 22.84.830.6
75LT side of MRI patient Table
77Keyboard of X-ray in control room3.23.468
79Patient leg support
80Patient leg support 223.485.4