In the article titled “Evans Blue Dye: A Revisit of Its Applications in Biomedicine” [1], the authors mistakenly cited Yet et al. instead of Jahr J S et al. on page 3. Thus, the sentence “Yet et al. [47] developed a novel approach using HBOC in rabbits in 2001, which is inexpensive and not time-consuming, while Baby et al.” should be corrected as “Jahr J S et al. [47] developed a novel approach using HBOC in rabbits in 2001, which is inexpensive and not time-consuming, while Baby et al.” and the corresponding reference should be corrected as follows [2]:[47] Jahr J S, Lurie F, Xi S, et al. “A novel approach to measuring circulating blood volume: the use of a hemoglobin-based oxygen carrier in a rabbit model”, Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2001, 92(3):609-614.