Case Report

Mechanical Ventilation Weaning in Inclusion Body Myositis: Feasibility of Isokinetic Inspiratory Muscle Training as an Adjunct Therapy

Table 2

Evaluation of self-care, sphincters, and mobility by functional independence measure (FIM).

ParametersBefore treatmentAfter treatment

(1) Eating17
(2) Grooming17
(3) Bathing/showering16
(4) Dressing upper body16
(5) Dressing lower body16
(6) Toileting17
(7) Bladder management27
(8) Bowel management mobility27
(9) Transfers: bed/chair/wheelchair17
(10) Transfers: toilet17
(11) Locomotion: walking/wheelchair17
(12) Locomotion: stairs17


FIM scoring. 7: complete independence, fully independent; 6: modified independence requiring the use of a device but no physical help; 5: supervision requiring only standby assistance or verbal prompting or help with setup; 4: minimal assistance requiring incidental hands-on help only (subject performs >75% of the task); 3: moderate assistance; subject still performs 50–75% of the task; 2: maximal assistance; subject provides less than half of the effort (25–49%); and 1: total assistance; subject contributes <25% of the effort or is unable to do the task [7, 8].