Case Report

KIT D816V Positive Acute Mast Cell Leukemia Associated with Normal Karyotype Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Table 3

Clinical and laboratory features in our patient as compared to those observed in patients with MCL or MML, as schematized by Valent et al. in 2014 [9].

Mast cell leukemia (MCL)Myelomastocytic leukemia (MML)This case (MCL-AML)

Clinical features
Skin lesionsPresent in a subset of patientsAbsentYes (maculopapular rash)
Spleen involvement/splenomegalyFound in a subset of patientsUsually present at diagnosisYes (13 cm; splenic nodules)
Liver involvement/hepatomegaly, ascitesOften foundUsually not foundYes (18.5 cm; cholestasis; ascites)
MC mediators-related symptomsFrequentFrequentYes (flushing; diarrhea)
Peripheral blood findings
Serum tryptase (μg/L)Markedly elevated (usually >200; often >500)Moderately elevated (usually <100; often <50)184 μg/L
Circulating MCPresent in a subset of patientsPresent in a subset of patientsYes (CM: 20%); FCM: 21% MCP
Circulating myeloblastsNo (except MCL-AHN)Present in a subset of patientsYes (CM: 6%); FCM: 3% MPC
Bone marrow findings
Underlying non-MC myeloid neoplasmsNo (except MCL-AHN)YesAML (concomitant diagnosis)
Increased myeloblastsNo (except MCL-AHN)Almost always seenYes (CM: 24% myeloblasts + 17% promyelocytes); FCM: 12% MPC + 34% promyelocytes
MC clusters and sheets in BM biopsyYesNoYes
Diffuse MC infiltrate in the BM biopsyYesYesYes
MC in BM smears≥20%≥10%Yes (CM: 16%); FCM: 5% MCP + 13% MC
KaryotypeNormal or abnormal with a few lesions (except MCL-AHN)Usually complexNormal
CD25+ MCYesNoYes
KIT D816V or other codon 816 mutationPresentNot foundYes (BM mast cells, CD34+ precursors and other myeloid cells)
KIT mutations in non-816-codonsFound in a subset of patientsFound in a subset of patientsNot investigated

AHN, associated hematological neoplasm; AML, acute myeloid leukemia; BM, bone marrow; CM, cytomorphology; FCM, flow cytometry; MC, mast cells; MCL, mast cell leukemia; MCL-AHN, mast cell leukemia with associated hematological neoplasm; MCP, mast cell precursors; MML, myelomastocytic leukemia; MPC, myeloid precursor cells. Past history of uninvestigated maculopapular skin lesions and flushing episodes; maculopapular rash at the diagnosis (skin biopsy not performed). In MML, the karyotype usually reflects the nature of the underlying disease, whereas no recurrent chromosome abnormalities are known for patients with MCL.