Case Report

Late-Onset Neutropenia in Long-Term Clozapine Use and Its Management Utilizing Prophylactic G-CSF

Figure 2

Neutrophil serum level from 2nd of January to 20th of September 2019. Figure 2 displays the neutrophil level by serum testing from 2nd January to 20th September 2019. The axis demonstrates dates of sampling, and the axis corresponds with the absolute neutrophil count ×109/L. Commencement of the filgrastim treatment protocol in March 2019 corresponds with a period of stability in baseline ANC with fewer episodes of neutropenia. Initially, hematology supported use of filgrastim if red light monitoring result was received. This protocol developed to include use of filgrastim given an amber light result and ultimately biweekly prophylactic use of filgrastim to avoid a red light result.