Research Article

Next Generation Exome Sequencing of Pediatric Asthma Identifies Rare and Novel Variants in Candidate Genes

Table 1

Summary of selected patients phenotypes and characteristics.

IDDiagnosisGenderAge at diagnosis (year)Blood eosinophil (%)PFTTreatment
FEV1 %

1BAM5.10.289%β-Agonists and steroids
2BAF5.90.2290%β-Agonists and steroids
3BA/obeseM80.2689%β-Agonists and steroids
4BAM60.1892%β-Agonists and steroids
5BAM5.50.4183%β-Agonists and steroids
6BAM6.50.2987%β-Agonists and steroids
7BAM67.57%NAβ-Agonists and antihistaminic
8BA (uncontrolled)M7.510.6%NAβ-Agonists and steroids
9BAM50.3287%β-Agonists and steroids

Table legend: phenotypic data of the patients (in addition to clinical and physiological assessment data including pulmonary function test, blood eosinophil percent, and the treatment used. PFT not performed for both samples 7 and 8). Note 1: sample 9 was selected but removed after Qc of genomic data. Note 2: the ID column includes the code number of the sample between brackets. BA: bronchial asthma; PFT: pulmonary function test.