In the article titled “Gastroprotective Activity of Polygonum chinense Aqueous Leaf Extract on Ethanol-Induced Hemorrhagic Mucosal Lesions in Rats” [1], it was found that Figure (e) is the same as Figure (g) in another article by the same authors, Golbabapour et al. [2], when rotated and flipped.

An institutional investigation by the University of Malaya found there was no system to index and file data and images to avoid mislabeling and mishandling, which led to errors and duplication of research data. The authors did not thoroughly check the manuscript before submission.

The authors explained that the two articles had the same negative control group, as suggested by the ethics committee to reduce the number of laboratory animals used. The image in Figure (g) of [2] is correct. Therefore, Figure (e) should be corrected with one of the original captures of the same histological tissue. The rotation of the images was applied to frame the images vertically.

The corrected Figure 2, with Figure 2(e) replaced, is as shown below: