Research Article

Cardioprotective Effect of Danhong Injection against Myocardial Infarction in Rats Is Critically Contributed by MicroRNAs

Figure 3

Regulation of DHI on miRNA through the immunopathology miScript miRNA PCR array analysis. (a) Scatter diagram of differentially expressed miRNA of the DHI group upon model group. 2-fold regulation was selected, with DHI as group 1, and MI model was selected as the control group. Red indicates upregulated genes. miRNA above the oblique line is upregulated and below the line is downregulated (n = 3). (b) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis on the differentially expressed miRNAs (>2-fold change) in the model group vs DHI group. Note: (1) red represents upregulation of miRNA; green represents downregulation of miRNA. (2) (b) model group and (c) DHI group. (c) miRNA-GO-network was generated according to the relationship of significant functions and miRNAs. A high enrichment degree between the differentially expressed miRNAs and the functions in the network. Enrichment degree means the contribution of a miRNA to the surrounding GOs or the opposite. The blue circle represented GOs, the red square represented miRNAs, and their relationship was represented by lines art. (d) The miRNA-KEGG signal pathway analysis of the differentially expressed miRNA related to the signal pathway. The black bar represents the signal pathway regulated by overexpressed and underexpressed miRNAs. The vertical axis is the pathway category, and the horizontal axis is the −log value of each pathway. (e) Using differentially expressed miRNA and prediction target gene to construct the miRNA-mRNA network. The blue circles represent miRNAs, the red circles represent mRNA, and lines art represent the relationship between miRNA and mRNA.