Research Article

Observational Study of Qigong as a Complementary Self-Care Practice at a Tertiary-Care Pain Management Unit

Table 3

Qualitative comments in 10 participants who reported good outcomes during the observational trial1.

Participant number
Gender (age, years)
Pain diagnosis (years)
(-) not stated
Practice amount2
# weeks
RIM1 comments
wks = weeks
RIM2 comments
wks = weeks

F (60)
Back pain (22)
30 weeks
6 wks: doing qigong for years; more pain and worse sleep when not doing; 12 wks: myofascial pain flares helped by qigong; 30 wks: minimal flare-ups; greatly improved sleep; no longer needs meds [doing taxes and snow shoveling increase pain]6 wks: great improvement in pain, coping skills and mood since CFQ 6+ years ago; blood pressure meds reduced and better maintained; cholesterol pills reduced; no longer need antidepressants, nausea or sleep meds; able to enjoy life so much more; so much better than before qigong; 12 wks: decreased pain meds and no longer need any for breakthrough pain; blood pressure meds reduced 75%; cholesterol pill reduced 50%; less angry and frustrated; 18-36 wks: (as before)5
24 weeks
(started qigong in 2011)3

F (62)
Fibromyalgia (-)
30 weeks RIM1
6 wks: qigong has given me a life worth living (can walk, play; am calm, peaceful); improved overall health and outlook; 12 wks: no pain; after decades of pain and multiple health issues, years of trying many ways to improve, spending lots of time and money, now all I use is qigong for wellness; eyesight slightly improved; 24 wks: qigong helped so much; now have full, happy, peaceful life; chronic pain gone
(started qigong in 2008)

18 F (74) NEW4
Back pain (4)
Osteoarthritis (10)
Fibromyalgia (-)
Plantar fasciitis (-)
24 weeks
6 wks: sleeping better; friends comment am looking better; gained weight (102 to 110 lbs); more relaxed; doing things not done before; 12 wks: see difference since qigong (weight); do not get pain relief in back, legs, feet at times; more energy; 18 wks: so pleased since qigong; able to things couldn’t do before; some pain relief overall6 wks: could never had been able to do the things I can today; much better [quality of life]; 12 wks: (no answer); 18 wks: no new changes; 24 wks: don’t have as much pain in my back; have more energy and can certainly do more things; am much happier that I can go out with friends and not worry; stopped taking pantoprazole; 36 wks: (as before)
24 weeks RIM2
(started qigong in 2014)

F (67)
Back pain (35)
Osteoarthritis (35)
Fibromyalgia (35)
24 weeks
6 wks: pain decreased since qigong (facet joint injections increased back pain for 10–14 days); sleep better; program has increased strength and helped with pain; 12 wks: much happier since qigong; better quality of life 90% of the time; 18 wks: doing good; sleep good since starting amitriptyline; 24 wks: don’t feel so involved with pain, easier to cope6 wks: pain reduced and more under control; able to function so much better; ups and downs but feel overall have made progress; [sleep] much better; not sleeping as well [heat, outdoor noise]; happier; feel much less moody; more in control of living my life; 12 wks: (as before); 18 wks: getting more sleep, sleeping better and more soundly; less pain throughout the night; more days with lesser pain; 24 wks: notice most improvements in sleep habits; 30 wks: (as before)
36 weeks
(started qigong in 2010)

M (63)
Back pain (16)
Neuropathic pain (10)
18 weeks
6 wks: this is hard; keeps my head clear; stronger inner core; 12 wks: qigong is saving my life; being with group is so important; qigong is very good pain relief; temper more controlled when doing qigong; 18 wks: without qigong life is pretty bad
(started qigong in 2013)

M (47)
Back pain (10)
Headache (14)
30 weeks
6 wks: pain relaxing back to normal; wellbeing improved; depression lifting; sleep returning to normal; 12 wks: easier to relax and unload pain; since qigong have stopped all pain meds; have not needed asthma meds in last year; 18 wks: pain dissipates much more quickly; sleep quality usually better; have stopped asthma and pain meds
(started qigong in 2012)

Not stated (31)
Back pain (13)
24 weeks
6 wks: practiced qigong for 2 years; substantial improvements in that time; everything in my life has improved drastically because of the practice; sleep improved; using less and less cannabis; 18 wks: constant improvement for last 2 years; quality of life has improved exponentially
(started qigong in 2012)

F (54)
Back pain (30)
Cervical sprain (10)
24 weeks
6 wks: calmer at times and less depressed; sleep improved; 18 wks: very pleased with qigong; helped get me out of extreme chronic pain and keeps me going6 wks: helps overall body, spirit, and mind; was in chronic pain and now no longer; returned to work; able to do housework; better sleeping; more comprehensive, more social, more activities; decrease in zantac; stopped nexium; decreased antidepressant; 12 wks: (as before); 18 wks: (as before); 36 wks: (as before)
18 weeks
(started qigong in 2008)

M (62)
Chronic psoriatic arthritis (35)
— RIM16 wks: prior to CFQ, pain was like a knife slashing arms and legs 8-9/10; now pain free; improvements of psoriatic arthritis, diabetes, blood irregularities, mental health beyond what anticipated to be possible; overall quality of life greatly improved; improved ability to cope with health issues; no change medications; 12 wks: no pain; went from 500 mg naproxen twice daily 10+ years to no medication; insight into behavior patterns; more resilience; increased ability to calm self; less reactive; reduced insulin by ∼70%; decreased sleep disruption due to worry; more accepting and better able to settle; not confident that would still be alive if not for CFQ; increased relationship quality and quality of life; 18 wks: improvements most noticeable in ability to cope with stressors, awareness of attitudes/beliefs
18 weeks
(started qigong in 2010)

F (38)
Fibromyalgia (2.5)
Right shoulder/arm pain (7)
— RIM1---6 wks: my pain is significantly better; am able to do a lot more things; am not depressed anymore; sleep better; rarely wake up in the middle of the night; my life is much better since started CFQ; feel more confident; less stressed; stopped medication 1.5 year after starting qigong
6 weeks
(started qigong in 2015)

1Good outcomes were characterized post hoc based on the global qualitative comments relating to pain and other health areas. An additional N = 6 had notably good, even remarkable outcomes, and have been reported separately as a case series [14]. 2Mean (standard deviation) lower and upper range of practice times during sessions: 76(54) to 113(67) minutes/day, 4–7 days/week. 3Start dates for qigong practice stated for each participant; times range from 3 to 9 years. 4This participant was new to qigong in RIM1 and is included here due to the duration of practice and nature of outcomes. 5(as before) indicated by the participant or by recorder when no new information was offered at that interval.