Research Article

The Multifaceted Use of a Written Artifact in Student Supervision

Excerpt 1

Nurse student-patient interaction. Nurse student (S) and patient (P) sitting in front of each other at a table in a consultation room. Nurse preceptor and Lisa, a fellow student, are sitting in a sofa beside the table. Two minutes into assessment of surgical patient admitted for adjustment of pacemaker.
  (1)  (2)   ((S reading in the paper document))
  (2)  S:       hur har du mått förut (.) eller din hälsosituation innan (.) nu
           how have you been feeling up to now (.) or your health before (.) now
  (3) (1)
  (4)  S:       hur har din hälsa sett ut innan
           what has your state of health been like earlier
  (5)  P:      ja den har varit berg å dalbana
           well, it’s been up and down
  (6)  S:       har varit berg å dalbana
              it’s been up and down
  (7)  P:    ja (.) jag e (.) nittifem e jag opererad för (0,5) för bypass va
          yes (.) I er (.) ninety-five I was operated on for (0.5) for bypass like
  (8)  S:     m:
  (9)  P:     å sen har jag haft besvär med hjärtat hela tiden efter det
          and I’ve had heart problems all the time since
(10)  S:      (2) ((S nods and gazes at P))
(11)  S:     °m°
(12)  S:     ((S looks down and writes in notes))
(13)→P:  och e:: ja å sen har jag (1) sen har jag lite andra grejer (0,5)
          and er:: well and then  I’ve got (1) then I’ve got a few other things (0.5)
(14)     de här då med hjärtat å sen e: har jag (0,4) prostatacancer har jag fått besked om
          this thing with my heart and then eh: I’ve (0.4) got prostate cancer I was told
(15)  S:          ((S looks up))          ((S looks down in notes))
(16)  P:    i (0,5) för ett par veckor sen
         a (0.5) a couple of weeks ago
(17)  S:   m:
(18)→(5) ((S writing in the notes))
(19)  P:    annars ere väl bra
         otherwise things are fine
(20)  S:     annars ere väl bra
           otherwise things are fine
(21)  S:    [m:
(22)  P:    [m:
(23) (2)    ((S reading in the paper document))
(24)  S:     så att du har du nån pågående vård nu då eller
     so that you are you being given any treatment now