Research Article

The Multifaceted Use of a Written Artifact in Student Supervision

Excerpt 2

Nurse-patient interaction. Nurse preceptor (N) explores the patient’s concerns about the cancer diagnosis. The same participants and seatment as in Excerpt 1. Four minutes into nurse-patient interaction.
(1)    P:  men annars har jag väl inte nåt speciellt
        but otherwise I don’t really have anything special to add
(2)    N:  nä:e
(3)    (1)
(4) →  N:  fast de var ju jobbigt de här med din prostatacancer som du fått reda på nyligen då
(5)      but it must have been difficult with this prostate cancer you’ve been told about
(6)    P:   ja de e (.) de e inge kul
       yes that’s (.) not been much fun
(7)    N: nä:e
(8)    P:  men de var ju de att dom skulle (1) då var de ju fråga om operation eller inte men
       but then it was that they were going (1) there was some question of operating but
(9)           utav min ålder då så tyckte han att de var ingen idé att
       because of my age he didn’t think there was any point in
(10) N: nä:e
(11) P:  utan då skulle jag få dom här sprutorna i stället
       but I was going to get these injections instead
(12) N: m:
(13) P:  får se hur de går
       see how it works
(14) N: ja
(15) S:  m: ((nods))
(16) N: m:
(17) P:  jag har inte så många år kvar
      I don’t have that many years left
(18) N: ((smiles))
(19) P:  jag har sett de mesta
      not much I haven’t seen
(20) N: ja (.) [xxx
      Yes (.) xxx
(21) P:          [nä de e ingen fara (.) utan [e:
           no it’s nothing to worry about (.) but
(22) N:   [nej bara man mår bra
                       no as long as you feel well
(23) P:    jarå
        yes I do
(24)  N: m:
(25)  P:  [xxxxx
(26)  N: [de e de viktigaste
        that’s the most important thing
(27)  P:  men de (.) då var jag ju inne ((turns to S)) nu ljög jag lite för dej ser jag för jag
       but they (.) then I was here ((turns to S)) so I see I told you a bit of a lie because I
(28)        var inne här å gjorde en skivröntgen
       was in here and did a datortomography
(29)  N: m: ((nods))
(30)  P:  å de fick jag besked för också nu då (.) å där (1) där e: fanns de inga metastaser
        and then I was told for now as well (.) and there (1) there weren’t any metastases
(31)    eller nånting=
        or anything=
(32)  N: =nä men de var ju [skönt
        but after all that was good news
(33)  P:                [nä:ej
(34)  N: m:
(35) (1)
(36) P: utan dom såg att jag hade fel i en tand å så atros i mina [tummar
      but they saw there was something wrong with one of my teeth and then arthrosis in
      my thumbs
(37) N:                          [ja
(38) P:  de såg dom
      they could see that
(39) N: m:
(40) P:  men de var de enda
      but that was all
(41) N: .hm m: (.) m:
(42) P.  jorå
      that’s right
(43)→N: men du har ingen kateter nu utan du kan kissa ändå
      but you don’t have a catheter and can still pee
(44) P:  ja ja
      yes yes
(45) N: ja
(46) P: ja de (.) de e ingen fara xx[xx
     yes it’s (.) it’s not a problem xxx
(47) N:                    [även om de tar tid
                 even if it takes its time
(48) N: jaha åkej (.) m:
      aha OK
(49) P:   vi var borta igår hos min dotter å när vi åkte hem så kissa jag på mej
      we went to see my daughter yesterday and on our way home then I wet myself
(50) N: ja
(51) (1)
(52) N: ([xx)
(53) P:  [då skäms man
      then you feel ashamed of yourself
(54) N: ja
(55) P:  för att man inte klarar sin egen hygien kan man säja
     because you can’t manage your own hygiene, as it were