Research Article

Rating Scale Measures in Multiple-Choice Exams: Pilot Studies in Pharmacology

Table 1

Overview of study design, year, mode of questions, and participation.

YearGeneral questionsR5MCMTFR4Bonus


Year: year where examination was given; bonus: plus and minus indicate whether or not bonus points were given to increase student participation/motivation; n: indicates how many questionnaires could finally be analyzed in each test instrument; test instrument: general questions were obligatory for all students in each year; 30 questions were given in the midterm examinations and 30 questions were given in the final examinations; the format is single choice (one correct answer to be scored out of five possible answers); R5: five possible answers in multiple-choice questions; MC: single best answer in multiple-choice test; MTF: test of false or true; R4: one of four answers of confidence was to be given.