Research Article

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions on Bequeathing of Bodies for Medical Education and Research among Health Science Students of the University of Health and Allied Sciences

Table 3

Respondents’ attitude toward the bequeathing of bodies.

VariablesFrequency (No.)Percent (%)

Willingness to bequeath body
Willing to donate any organs
Usefulness of body bequeathal
 Medical research42783.2
 Medical education44286.2
 Making one contribute to the good of society15630.4
 Making one popular71.4
 I do not know377.2
Person one will encourage to bequeath their bodies
 No one10020.0
Culture’s relation to organ/body bequeathal
 My culture supports it38174.3
 My culture is against it8616.2
 It is not part of my culture326.2
 I do not know what my culture says about it173.3.
Religion’s relation to organ/body bequeathal
 My religion supports it448.6
 My religion is against it234.5
 It is not part of my religion7614.8
 I do not know what my religion says about it37072.2