Research Article

The Learning Potential of Workplace Environment and Civil Servants’ Self-Directed Learning Readiness: A Mixed-Method Approach

Table 1

Population, sample cluster sample size, and response rate.

BureausResearch populationAssigned quotaReturnedResponse rate

Education bureau218413063673.17%
Road and transport bureau168313013196.77&
Supreme court2785130104058.82%
Health bureau215393023276.92%
Trade bureau175323003093.75%
Urban development bureau183343043488.24%
TVET development bureau180333103193.94%
Agriculture bureau220403213380%
Revenues bureau1653030030100%
Water resource development bureau256473063663.83%

Source: ANRS Employee Statistics (2019) and Survey Data. Note: the researchers rejected questionnaires that were not properly filled (commonly called outliers) and these questionnaires were counted as invalid from returned questionnaires.