Research Article

Mapping Pupil’s Learning Progression Using Hand Manipulatives and Touch Screen Applications: Implications to Post-COVID-19 New Normal

Table 1

Checklist on learning progression in the operations of fractions based on the Pirie–Kieren theory Approach.

Level [17]Description [24]Learning Progression Expectations about Fractions

1PWS 1The child knows moving hand and touch screen manipulatives but does not count aloud the concept of fractions to match with the objects.
2PWS 2The child says numbers as a part of the whole but does with exact correspondence of the uttered concepts of fractions and the manipulatives.
3MSUF 1For at least five objects in hand and touch screen manipulatives, the child says the exact values and matches each spoken fraction with the objects.
Image having
4MSUF 2The child has developed an understanding of the addition and subtraction of similar fractions using the hand and touch screen manipulatives.
Property noticing
5MSPF 1The child has understood the multiplication and division of similar fractions using the hand and touch screen manipulatives.
6MSPF 2The child has developed an understanding of the addition and subtraction of dissimilar fractions using hand and touch screen manipulatives.
7GMSF 1The child has developed an understanding of multiplication and division of dissimilar fractions using the hand and touch screen manipulatives.
8GMSF 2The child can explain the operations of fractions and provide more examples using the hand and touch screen manipulatives.