Research Article

A Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) using Ocean Plastic Microbes as a Framework that Is Impactful for Both In-Person and Online Course Modalities

Table 5

MANOVA analysis of survey scores comparing the three groups of majors.

TestValueExact FNumDFDenDFProb > FPartial η2

All between0.26256338.242223722<0.00010.2079604
All within0.09482562.976723722<0.00010.0866125
Time × modality0.00008160.058917220.0470.0000816
Time × theme0.00047290.113837220.95200.0004726
Time × major0.01238934.472527220.01170.0122376

Note: Before and after survey scores were binned according to four themes and averaged. Of all the individual factors analyzed, the most significant was time (before vs. after), responsible for 35% of all variation (partial η2 0.354), followed by theme and major, while modality had a negligible value (less than 1%). Significant interactions were also observed. NumDF, number of degrees of freedom; DenDF, number of degrees of freedom associated with the model errors; Prob > F, p-value associated with the F statistic of a given effect and test statistic.