Research Article

Expression of Tropomyosin 1 Gene Isoforms in Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines

Table 4

Tropomyosin 1 protein expression in breast cancer cell lines.

Cell lineAntibody and TPM isoforms detected
>40 kD40 kD38 kD36 kD34 kD<34 kD

Breast cancer
 HCC 1143++++
 HCC 1187+++++
 BT 474+
 mDAMB 157+++++
 HCC 1806++
 HCC 1419++
 mDAMB 453++++
 mDAMB 468+++++

MCF10A (normal breast)+++++
HCC 1143 (BL)+
HCC 1187 (BL)+

Adult heart+++++++++++
Fetal heart+++++++++++
Skeletal muscle+++++++++++++

The symbols and + are as described in Table 1.
▲ = cell extracts were analyzed by western blot using the various primary antibodies indicated. Expression was qualitatively recorded as either negative (−) or plus (+) to 4 pluses (++++).
Δ = the assignations of various TPM protein isoforms to particular sizes on an SDS PAGE gel are as per Schevzov  et al. [23].
TPM1, , , and would be detected by TM311, but we do not know their sizes on SDS PAGE.