Review Article

The ADF/Cofilin-Pathway and Actin Dynamics in Podocyte Injury

Figure 2

Central role of cofilin in podocyte effacement TGF-β or high-glucose stimulation triggers cofilin-1 phosphorylation. Phosphorylated/inactivated cofilin-1 undergoes translocation from cytoplasma to nucleus and is therefore not able to bind and promote F-actin rearrangement. Nephrin and integrin cluster or PKC activate the cofilin-1 via SSH1L activation. A rapid turnover of cofilin-1 is essential for the actin cytoskeleton dynamics in podocyte to perpetuate podocyte integrity. Secondary foot processes of podocyte are not shown here. Secondary foot processes are fine actin-rich processes that sprout out of primary processes and interdigitate with foot processes of neighbouring podocytes.