Review Article

Use of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Endodontics

Figure 3

After suffering a traumatic blow from a soccer ball six years earlier, a 28-year-old male presented with a soft, convex-shaped indurated buccal and lingual swelling in the mandibular symphyseal region. A periapical image (a) showed a large, multilocular lesion. External inflammatory root resorption (EIRR) was noted on the mandibular left lateral incisor. All four mandibular anterior teeth tested nonvital. CBCT images ((b) curved planar, (c) cross-sectional, (d) axial, (e) 3D reconstruction) showed that the resorptive lesion was extended from the root canal space to the periodontal membrane, necessitating repair or extraction; no exploratory procedure was necessary to determine the extent of the defect.