Research Article

Detection of Markers in Green Beans and Roasted Beans of Kalosi-Enrekang Arabica Coffee with Different Postharvest Processing Using LC-MS/MS

Table 1

Compounds classes identified in green and roasted beans of Kalosi-Enrekang Arabica coffee with different postharvest processing (% relative).

Compound classGreen beansRoasted beans
NaturalHoneyFully washedNaturalHoneyFully washed

Quinic acid and derivativebcabaa10.95 ± 1.16a
Cinnamic acids and derivativescaabaaa
Coumarins and derivativesaaaaa
Amino acids, peptides, and analoguesbcbacba
Organoheterocyclic compoundsbbcabcaba
Organic acids and derivativescaabaaa
Lipids and lipid-like moleculesbcabaaa
Phenylpropanoids and polyketides0aabnna
Carbohydrates and carbohydrate conjugatesaabcababc
Phenolic acidsndndndndnd
Carboxylic acids and derivativesaaacaab
Organonitrogen compoundsaaaaaa
Purine nucleotidesaaaaaa
Purines and purine derivativesaaaaaa
Pyrimidine nucleosidesandnd nd nd
Keto acids and derivativesaaaaaa
Carbonyl compoundsnd nd nd aaa
Pyrimidines and pyrimidine derivativesnd nd nd aaa
Organooxygen compoundsnd nd nd aa
Organosulfur compoundsnd nd nd aaa

Description: the values followed by the same superscript letter in the same row indicate no significant difference (). The value is the average % relative to the 3 replications and the standard error. The number followed by the sign is a significant difference between green beans and roasted beans as T-Test (). ANOVA tests on green beans and roasted beans were carried out separately.