Research Article

The Complete Chloroplast Genome of Arabidopsis thaliana Isolated in Korea (Brassicaceae): An Investigation of Intraspecific Variations of the Chloroplast Genome of Korean A. thaliana

Figure 7

Phylogenetic trees of 18 complete chloroplast genomes of Arabidopsis and Arabis neighbor-joining (bootstrap repeat is 10,000) and maximum likelihood (bootstrap repeat is 1,000) phylogenetic trees as well as Bayesian inference tree (1,100,000 generations) of fifteen Arabidopsis and one Arabis from Brassicaceae complete chloroplast genomes: six Arabidopsis thaliana (MK353213; 180404IB4, in this study, NC_000932; Col0, KX551970; Ler0, MK380721; Tsu0, MK380720; Kyoto, and MK380719; 15-11), Arabidopsis suecica (NC_030350), Arabidopsis pedemontana (NC_029336), Arabidopsis cebennensis (NC_029335), Arabidopsis croatica (NC_030347), Arabidopsis arenicola (NC_030346), Arabidopsis lyrata (NC_034365), Arabidopsis umezawana (NC_030351), Arabidopsis helleri (NC_034366), Arabidopsis arenosa (NC_029334), Arabidopsis petrogena (NC_030349), Arabidopsis neglecta (NC_ 030348), and Arabis alpine (NC_023367). Phylogenetic tree was displayed based on neighbor-joining tree. The numbers above branches indicate bootstrap support values of neighbor-joining and maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees and posterior possibility value of Bayesian inference tree, respectively.