Research Article

Immunohistochemical Localization of , , and Angiotensin II Receptor Subtypes in the Rat Adrenal, Pituitary, and Brain with a Perspective Commentary

Figure 3

Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry of the receptor (using anti- receptor #92578-sel in zona glomerulosa (Figures 3(a) through 3(c); 48,000x) and adrenal medulla (Figures 3(d) and 3(e)). Immunogold ultrastructural analysis of zona glomerulosa shows receptor (showing localization at the cell membrane (bold arrows; Figures 3(a) and 3(b)), in the cytoplasm (line arrows; Figures 3(a) through 3(c)), and on the surface of endocytic vesicles (insert Figure 3(b)). Immunogold particles were also seen in a multivesicular body (MVB) and in the nucleus (Figure 3(c)). Immunoperoxidase staining of adrenal medullary cells reveals a large number of positive vesicles (line arrows; Figure 3(d); 20,000x and Figure 3(e); 48,000x), patches of membrane receptors (block arrows; Figure 3(e)), and apparent omega body fusion with the cell membrane (arrow heads; Figure 3(e)). Note the lack of localization in the mitochondria (M) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER).