Research Article

Prevalence, Antibiotic Susceptibility Profile, and Associated Risk Factors of Salmonella Isolate among Diarrheal Patients Visiting Dessie Referral Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia

Table 3

Associations of Salmonella infection and clinical features in diarrheal patients.

SymptomsPositive (%)Negative (%)X2Df values

 Yes14 (5.5)238 (94.5)3.20010.074
 No6 (4.5)126 (95.5)
 Yes16 (6.8)220 (93.2)7.20010.007
 No4 (2.7)144 (97.3)
Abdominal pain
 Yes18 (6.9)241 (93.1)12.80010.000
 No2 (1.6)123 (98.4)
Consistency of stool
 Watery12 (6.9)162 (93.1)13.60030.004
 Bloody2 (4.8)40 (95.2)
 Mucoid4 (4)96 (96)
 Mixed (blood and mucus)2 (2.9)66 (97.1)
Duration of diarrhea (days)
 1–512 (3.9)294 (96.1)7.60020.022
 6–106 (9.7)56 (90.3)
 11–152 (16.7)10 (83.3)
 ≥16 days0.04 (100)

Significant at ; X2, chi-square; Df, degree of freedom.