Research Article

Morphological Retrospective Study of Peritoneal Biopsies from Patients with Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis: Underestimated Role of Adipocytes as New Fibroblasts Lineage?

Figure 2

Peritoneal biopsies representative photomicrographs of haematoxylin-eosin and Masson’s trichrome stainings in studied cases (a, d, and g). Mesothelium (→) and adipocytes (#) in the submesothelial area in normal peritoneal membrane (b, e, and h). Well preserved mesothelium with hyperplasic mesothelial cells and increase in conjunctive tissue () associated with interstitial submesothelial infiltrate mainly polymorphonuclear neutrophils (++) in acute peritonitis case. Superficial black lining related to the surgery technique (use of Indian ink). (c, f, and i) Disappearance of mesothelium (arrowhead), major submesothelial fibrosis containing mainly mononuclear cells, and sever fibrosis (→) in case of EPS. Original magnifications: (a–f) ×10, (g–i) ×40.