Research Article

A Service-Oriented Component-Based Framework for Dynamic Reconfiguration Modeling Targeting SystemC/TLM

Table 6

Evaluation of the ATL transformations.

MetricValueQuality attributes

# lines of code286++
# lines of comments8+
Balance of a unit1+++
# matched rules26++
# lazy matched rules0
# called rules0
Average number of bindings per rule3.42+++
# rules with a filter condition on an input pattern1++
Rule complexity increase0.69+
# helpers2++
# calls to OCL functions1++
Average helper cyclomatic complexity1+
# input models1++
# output models1++
Input metamodel coverage96.29++
Output metamodel coverage100++
Transformation approachDeclarative++

A1: understandability; A2: modifiability; A3: reusability; A4: modularity; A5: completeness; A6: consistency; A7: complexity; +: positive effect; −: negative effect.