Research Article

Preference for Efficiency or Confusion? A Note on a Boundedly Rational Equilibrium Approach to Individual Contributions in a Public Good Game

Table 2

Homogeneous population (last rounds).

Data CFS (1) (2) (3)

11.63 26.91
0.59 0.59 0.59 0

(Predicted) avg. contributions
 Overall endowments 25.94 26.39 26.91 44.78 25.94
21.13 17.59 18.44 34.55 25.05
17.63 23.46 24.04 41.68 26.01
35.28 29.32 29.71 48.30 26.30
29.70 35.19 35.45 54.60 26.39

−1675.03 −987.54 −885.62
Obs. 240 240 240 240 240

This table reports average contributions as well as estimates and predictions from various specifications of the model based on the efficiency concerns assumption using the last 5 rounds of the experiment only. The same remarks as in Table 1 apply.