Research Article

Mechanical Stress Results in Immediate Accumulation of Glucosinolates in Fresh-Cut Cabbage

Figure 1

LC-MS chromatogram of a cabbage sample stored for 12 h at 8°C. Peak 1, progoitrin, 388.10; peak 2, sinigrin, 358.20; peak 3, gluconapoleiferin, 402.41; peak 4, gluconapin, 372.09; peak 5, glucoalyssin, 450.19; peak 6, 4-hydroxy-glucobrassicin, 463.19; peak 7, glucobrassicanapin, 386.41; peak 8, gluconasturtiin, 422.19; peak 9, glucobrassicin, 447.13; and peak 10, neoglucobrassicin, 477.19.