Research Article

Properties of Raw Saudi Arabian Grey Kaolin Studied by Pyrrole Adsorption and Catalytic Conversion of Methylbutynol

Table 1

Experimental conditions of pyrrole-TPD.

Pyrrole-TPD conditionsDescription

Sample amount and particle size0.3 g with a particle size distribution of 150–250 μm

Instrumented detectorThermal conductivity detector (TCD)

Conditioning flowHelium was utilized as carrier gas (50 mL/min), heated to 270°C, with a heating rate of 15°C/min. After that, a helium flow filled with pyrrole at 30°C was passed over the conditioned sample at a flow rate of 50 mL/min, for 30 min

Temperature-programmed desorption of pyrroleSample was then investigated up to 270°C with a heating rate of 15°C/min