Research Article

Exploration of Productivity, Chemical Composition, and Antioxidant Potential of Origanum vulgare L. Grown at Different Geographical Locations of Western Himalaya, India

Table 8

IC50 and EC50 values for antioxidant assays of essential oils (EOs), aqueous extracts (AQ), and methanolic extracts (ALC) of O. vulgare along with the standard (ascorbic acid).

SampleAntioxidant activity IC50 value (mg/mL)
DPPH (mg/mL)ABTS (mg/mL)Reducing power (mg/mL) (EC50)

OV Auli EO1.07f0.12c0.46i
OV Pithoragarh EO0.83e0.06b0.35e
OV Haldwani EO1.42g0.27d1.86j
OV Auli AQ0.74d0.56i0.38f
OV Pithoragarh AQ0.49c0.44g0.33d
OV Haldwani AQ0.75d0.72j0.44h
OV Auli ALC0.50d0.43f0.32c
OV Pithoragarh ALC0.39b0.32e0.29b
OV Haldwani ALC0.86e0.52h0.39g
Ascorbic Acid0.052a0.032a0.027a

Mean values within a column followed by different letters (a–j) are significantly different at the level of according to Duncan’s multiple test.