Research Article

Protease from Aspergillus oryzae: Biochemical Characterization and Application as a Potential Biocatalyst for Production of Protein Hydrolysates with Antioxidant Activities

Table 5

Antioxidant activities from the DPPH and ORAC assays and linearity ranges for the ORAC assay (net AUC versus concentration) performed on the control and hydrolysate samples produced by the protease from A. oryzae LBA 01.

Protein source Protease (U·mL−1)DPPHORAC
Trolox EQ mol·g−1Radical scavenging (%)Trolox EQ mol·g−1Sample concentration range (mg·mL−1)SlopeIntercept

SPIControl0.88 ± 0.14a30.77 ± 1.53a186.11 ± 48.45a0.25–1.000.11−0.070.94
204.61 ± 0.12b69.18 ± 1.54b574.35 ± 46.15b0.25–1.000.04−0.080.99
404.25 ± 0.08c66.43 ± 0.95c645.20 ± 104.78b0.30–1.200.04−0.220.99

WHEYControl2.44 ± 0.11a40.67 ± 0.28a18.51 ± 7.20a1.15–4.600.610.250.99
204.92 ± 0.09b73.62 ± 0.07b132.61 ± 6.43b1.00–4.000.14−0.150.99
404.53 ± 0.01c69.53 ± 0.07c172.11 ± 17.32c1.20–4.800.13−0.590.99

EGGControl4.42 ± 0.11a63.03 ± 1.56a47.18 ± 7.45a1.05–4.200.34−0.040.99
201.89 ± 0.30b45.93 ± 3.17b423.43 ± 56.80b0.50–2.000.06−0.320.99
40Undetected 33.99 ± 1.41c469.65 ± 47.80b0.50–2.000.05−0.240.99

a,b,cResults are presented as the mean () ± SD, and those with different letters are significantly different, with . Comparisons were made between the values of each protein source (not between different protein sources). The DPPH assay was carried out using sample concentration of 5 mg·mL−1.