Research Article

An Artificial Neural Network-Based Pest Identification and Control in Smart Agriculture Using Wireless Sensor Networks

Table 2

Major pests of potatoes.

PestDamage doneDamage

Potato tuberwormPlant disease infection increases the risk of crop failure and reduces yield quality.Plant leaves in early state
Potato leafhopperTo extract the fluids, they insert their mouthparts, resulting in yellow triangles on the leaves (“hopper burn”) and stunted plants.Plant leaves
Cutworms“Hopper burns” and stunted plants are caused by their mouthparts piercing through plant leaves to obtain fluids.Mouthparts piercing through plant leaves to obtain fluids
In feeding on stems just above or below the soil's surface, they decimate young plants.
ArmywormsFeed voraciously, producing large irregular holes. High infestation causes severe defoliation.Plant root
AphidsThey can cause great harm when they suck juices from the underside of the potato plant leaves.Plant leaves
Colorado potato beetleIt infected the potatoes and, if left untreated, can completely defoliate plants.
Cucumber beetleThey are responsible for the transmission of bacterial wilt; once a plant is infected, the Erwinia bacterium spreads rapidly.Root of plant
WirewormsThey feed on grassroots and attack when potatoes are to be grown immediately following the sod.Root of plant
White grubsThey feed on grassroots and attack when potatoes are to be grown immediately following the sod.