Research Article

Designing the Interventions to Mitigate the Barriers of Coordination in Handling Food Security: Insight from Central Java Province

Table 12

The summary of proposed policies from six experts, the first round of the Delphi Method.

BarrierProposed policies

Inadequate human resources with the competency and specific understanding of food security (B8)(1) Develop capacity building of human resources through education/training, not only for the public employee responsible for handling the food security program but also for the nongovernment stakeholder (such as universities, community, and the other actor) to strengthen their role in the nongovernment agency for food security (PB81)
(2) Build the formal media (such as a regular e-mail or magazine) for the dissemination of knowledge and technology in the food sector, as well as food security and counseling (PB82)
(3) Develop standards of human resource competence in dealing with food insecurity concerns, managing complex information systems and performing multisectoral analyses, building and implementing information systems that measure and monitor food insecurity and vulnerability (PB83)

Limited capability of regional government to handle the problem (B9)(1) Build institutional arrangements related to the distribution of authority, the protocol, procedure, and structure organization to manage multiple actors related to food security program, such as giving the village government clear guidance in making programs and activities to handle food insecurity, and this must be legalized in village meetings (food insecurity programs should be more focused on preventing stunting in villages because most of the problems are in the village) (PB91)
(2) Build clear procedures that regulate accountability and penalties for instances where local governments fail to respond to food insecurity incidence otherwise to ensure food security (PB92)
(3) The decision-making in state governing and public services is expected to be simpler and faster because the closest regional government can execute it per the existing authority (PB93)

Lack of communication and specialization in multisector collaboration (B2)(1) Develop a technical and standard operating procedure for effective intersectoral and cross-ministerial linkages to promote coordination (starting from setting priorities by all stakeholders, planning process, funding allocation until implementing the program) (PB21)
(2) Clarity of the current coordinating body in developing strategic policy for food and nutrition (RAN-PG and STANDS stunting) that facilitates cooperation across ministries and sectors and establishes linkages between the national plan and sectoral plans, including the broader development framework and strategy of the country (PB22)
(3) Build compatibility (periodicity, spatial coverage, sample selection, selection of indicators, and storage and data management) that would facilitate use by other sectors and share knowledge about available data or information to avoid frequent duplication of data collection and analysis efforts as well as the waste of resources (PB23)
It can be done by using the whole-of-government account (WGA), which consolidates more than 5500 agency accounts in the public sector to promote sharing of data collection tasks and information and transparency and accountability. The WGA provides convenience for the public or specific stakeholders in accessing financial reports and understanding the financial position at a macro level. This WGA paves access to information between sectors to align stakeholders’ knowledge. Additionally, by using WGA, the emphasis on information gathering and analysis may be shifted away from the particular sectoral or subpectoral unit’s objectives and toward generating possible efficiencies via the consolidation or rationalization of disparate information systems
(4) Develop a technical and standard operating procedure for sharing responsibilities and strengthening collaboration and communication (PB24)
(5) Develop a shared vision and orientation of each involved sector that can reduce competition or competition between sectors (PB25)