Research Article

Cloning and Characterization of Immunological Properties of Haemophilus influenzae Enolase

Figure 1

DNA fragment encoding Hieno, amplification, and subcloning. (a) Agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide revealing the 1.3 kbp-sized PCR amplification products (arrow): HibATCC33930 (lane 1), NTHiBUAPPAU (lane 2), HibBUAPNAN (lane 3), amplified obtained using TOPO::HibBUAPNANeno plasmid as a template (lane 4), NTHiBUAP96 (lane 5), and amplified obtained using TOPO::NTHiBUAP96eno plasmid as a template (lane 6). (b) Design and construction of pRSET-A::HiENO plasmid. Lane 1: pRSET-A/XhoI digested (2.9 kbp). Lane 2: pRSET-A::HibBUAPNAN plasmid/XhoI. Lane 3: pRSET-A::HibBUAPNAN plasmid digested with XhoI and KpnI. Lane 4: pRSET-A::NTHiBUAP96 plasmid/Xho. Lane 5: pRSET-A::NTHiBUAP96 plasmid digested with XhoI and KpnI enzymes in a double restriction reaction. The product of 1.3 kbp corresponding to Hieno gene is observed (arrow).