Review Article

Metal-Insulator Phase Transition in Quasi-One-Dimensional VO2 Structures

Figure 1

(a) The crystal structures of the high-temperature tetragonal rutile (R, space group P42/mnm) and low-temperature monoclinic (M1, space group P21/c) phases of VO2, with the equivalent direction of . V–V distances are highlighted: the R phase with regular VO6 octahedron exhibits uniform V–V distances of 2.86 Å and the M1 phase with distorted VO6 octahedron exhibits alternating V–V distances of 2.65 and 3.12 Å. (b) A schematic diagram of the molecular orbital structures of the M1 and R phases of VO2 (left side: the undistorted metallic phase of VO2, right side: the distorted insulating phase of VO2). Panels (a) and (b) adapted with permission from [23] and [22], respectively.