In the article titled “Seroprevalence of Human Betaretrovirus Surface Protein Antibodies in Patients with Breast Cancer and Liver Disease” [1], a sentence in Section 2.2 was incorrect. The sentence “A serum panel of breast cancer patients (n = 98) and age/sex-matched controls (n = 102) was obtained from the Alberta Tomorrow Project, a longitudinal study tracking 55,000 adults in Alberta” should be corrected to “A serum panel of breast cancer patients (n = 98) and age/sex-matched controls (n = 102) was obtained from the breast cancer outpatient clinic Cross Cancer Institute.” The authors also wish to acknowledge an additional funding body. The modified Acknowledgments section is as follows.


We thank the Alberta Cancer Foundation, Alberta Innovates Health Solutions, Canadian Institutes for Health Research, and Canadian Liver Foundation for supporting this project as well as Michael Houghton and Michael Sakalian for their assistance. We thank the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation for supporting this study.