Research Article

Similarities and Differences between Nurses’ and Physicians’ Clinical Leadership Behaviours: A Quantitative Cross-Sectional Study

Table 1

Items measuring multidisciplinary relations and communications.

StatementReverse coded?Relationship

I find it easy to discuss openly with the unit’s physiciansNoNurse-physician
I have sometimes been poorly informed by the unit’s physicianYesNurse-physician
Communication among the unit’s physicians is very openNoAmong physicians
I often have to check the accuracy of the information I receive from the unit’s physiciansYesNurse-physician
I find it very enjoyable to talk with the unit’s physiciansNoNurse-physician
When physicians talk with each other in this unit, they understand each other wellNoAmong physicians
The information exchanged by the unit’s physicians is sometimes inaccurateYesInformation processing
It’s easy to ask for advice from the unit’s physiciansNoNurse-physician
I feel that some of the unit’s physicians do not fully understand the information they receiveYesInformation processing