Clinical Study

The Role of Single-Layered Flap in Temporal Inverted Internal Limiting Membrane Flap Technique for Macular Holes: Pros and Cons

Figure 1

Schematic drawing of the temporal ILM flap technique. After a semicircular ILM notch (blue arrow) is created two disc diameters from the temporal edge of MH (red circle), the ILM is peeled and inverted in the nasal direction to fully cover the MH (blue dashed arrow) (a). An indocyanine green-stained temporal ILM flap created at the temporal macular is inverted in the nasal direction (arrow) to cover the MH (arrowhead) (b). A cross-sectional drawing of the temporal ILM flap technique. The temporal ILM flap (arrow) is inverted toward the nasal retina to cover the MH and is stabilized with a low-molecular-weight viscoelastic material (arrowhead) (c). Figure 1(a) is reproduced from Takai et al. [13] (under the Creative Commons Attribution License/public domain).